Compare Vaarzeker
Technical assistance (Mechanic)
Assist a mechanic with technical problems when you can be reached from the shore.
Assistance on the water
Assistance with a boat, such as in the event of engine failure or due to running aground.
Price (roadside assistance)
For what price can you get roadside assistance?
Price (assistance on the water)
At what price can you get assistance on open water?
Scope of work (roadside assistance)
Where is roadside assistance provided?
Scope of work (help on the water)
Where can you expect help on the water?
Dive Assistance
Assistance from a diver when something is in your propeller.
Delivery of fuel on the water
Delivery of a small amount of fuel on water to reach a port.
Delivery of parts on the water
Supply of parts to fix a malfunction on the water.
Towing from port to port
Towing to next port when boat cannot be repaired at current location.
Assistance in your home port
Technical assistance at your own mooring.
Safe to Sail
Vaarzeker offers technical assistance throughout the country (excluding the Wadden Islands).
Vaarzeker offers assistance on the water throughout the country. Both on large waters such as the IJsselmeer or the Wadden Sea, as well as on rivers and canals.
€79 per year
Vaarzeker offers roadside assistance for €79 per year, the cheapest in the Netherlands
From €19 per month
Vaarzeker offers help on the water starting at €19 per month.
All of the Netherlands
Vaarzeker offers technical assistance throughout the country (excluding the Wadden Islands).
All of the Netherlands
Vaarzeker offers assistance on the water throughout the country. Both on large waters such as the IJsselmeer or the Wadden Sea, as well as on rivers and canals.
Vaarzeker also offers diving assistance if there is something in your propeller.
Vaarzeker offers fuel delivery across the country to reach the port. On the water, too!
Vaarzeker supplies the missing part to repair your boat on the water.
Vaarzeker drags you to the next place if you can't be helped where you are now.
Vaarzeker will also help you if you have technical problems in your own box or berth.
The Boat Watch provides technical assistance throughout the country (excluding the Wadden Islands).
The Boat Watch does not offer assistance when you encounter problems on the water. Their terms and conditions state, "If you are in the middle of the water we will always initially request a tow to shore from a fellow water sportsman. If this proves impossible after several attempts we will help you get phone numbers of towing companies, water police or KNRM. Towing costs are never covered by Boat Watch."
De Botenwacht biedt pechhulp aan voor €93,50 per jaar.
Not available
The Boat Watch does not offer assistance on the water.
All of the Netherlands
The Boat Watch provides technical assistance throughout the country (excluding the Wadden Islands).
Not available
The Boat Watch does not offer assistance on the water.
De Botenwacht biedt alleen tegen bijbetaling hulp aan bij rommel in de schroef.
The Boat Watch does not offer fuel delivery to reach the marina.
Boat Watch does not supply parts to repair your boat on the water.
The Boat Watch does not tow to the next spot if you cannot be helped where you are now.
The Boat Watch does not help if you are in your own box or berth with technical problems.
KNRM does not offer technical assistance.
KNRM offers limited on-the-water assistance only on major waters.
Not available
KNRM does not offer roadside assistance.
KNRM works with a donation model. Here, an average donation will be close to a membership to Vaarzeker, for more limited services.
Not available
KNRM does not offer technical assistance.
Alone on the big water
KNRM offers limited on-the-water assistance only on major waters.
KNRM does not provide assistance to remove debris from your propeller.
KNRM does not offer fuel delivery to reach the port.
KNRM does not provide parts to repair your boat on the water.
KNRM does not tow to the next place if you cannot be helped where you are now.
KNRM does not help if you are in your own box or berth with technical problems.
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